Le projet de classe intelligente (Smart Classroom) en cours de mise en œuvre au Kenya
Après le lancement réussi du projet le 18 mars 2016 au collège de formation d’enseignants techniques kenyan (KTTC) à Nairobi. L’équipe Devotra chargée de la mise en œuvre du projet a pris toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour la mise en service de tout le matériel et des logiciels, et la construction d’une maquette complète de la classe intelligente dans l’entrepôt de Devotra.
Au même moment la formation du personnel kenyan de Devotra et des formateurs experts du Danemark, du RU et des Pays-Bas est en cours de préparation.
La date limite de livraison du projet complet a été fixée au 1er juin 2016. Un grand nombre d’activités a donc dû être organisée en parallèle et une équipe complète de professionnels a œuvré pour tenir le délai imposé. Les marchandises ont commencé à arriver à l’entrepôt de Devotra dès le 01/04, et petit à petit la classe intelligente complète a pu être montée afin d’obtenir une copie conforme de l’ensemble final qui sera accueilli par les 10 Instituts de formation technique (TTI) du Kenya.
L’idée était d’avoir une classe intelligente complètement opérationnelle pour que toutes les difficultés puissent être identifiées pendant la préparation de cette copie et pour pouvoir utiliser cette classe pour la formation de l’équipe d’experts internationale de Devotra.
Le 09/05, la copie était complètement fonctionnelle et les experts de Devotra au Kenya et les experts du RU ont pu entamer leur formation initiale. Plus tard cette même semaine, des experts venus des Pays-Bas et du Danemark les ont rejoints et une équipe complète de 6 experts de Devotra ont pu recevoir une formation continue jusqu’au 20 mai. Des experts en produits des différents fabricants ont fait le déplacement jusque Devotra à Tholen pour dispenser un programme de formations complet sur l’équipement fourni et en particulier sur toutes les différentes fonctionnalités de la bibliothèque numérique au cœur de la classe intelligente.
Test du matériel et installation des logiciels
Devotra a fait appel aux services spécialisés de Lantack BV, son fournisseur de services informatiques habituel, pour tester et installer l’ensemble du matériel et logiciels spécifiques. Et pour s’assurer que les 10 serveurs communiquent correctement avec les 200 postes de travail. L’expert informatique de Devotra, Mourad Tihani, a apporté son aide à Lantack et il a réalisé la sélection finale du matériel HP et des progiciels liés à Microsoft.
Traitement des commandes
En parallèle aux formations, l’équipe logistique de Devotra a consolidé l’ensemble des marchandises destinées aux 9 autres Instituts de formation technique (TTI). Toutes les marchandises devaient être contrôlées en termes de qualité et de quantité. Après quoi, elles ont été étiquetées pour pouvoir les identifier plus facilement sur place. Une fois étiquetées, toutes les marchandises ont été regroupées et préparées pour un contrôle par SGS, une agence de contrôle de réputation internationale.
Contrôle avant expédition et contrôle de conformité avant expédition par le KEBS (Bureau des normes du Kenya) organisés par SGS
Un inspecteur de SGS a passé deux jours à l’entrepôt de Devotra pour effectuer un contrôle complet avant expédition, conformément au programme de contrôle de conformité avant expédition du Bureau des normes du Kenya (KEBS). Ce programme de contrôle de conformité avant expédition du Bureau des normes du Kenya (KEBS) est obligatoire pour toutes les expéditions vers le Kenya depuis décembre 2015. Toutes les marchandises ont été contrôlées en termes de qualité, de quantité, de marquage CE de conformité, de manuels, d’étiquetage, d’origine, de sécurité, etc.. Aucun élément n’a été rejeté et les marchandises furent autorisées à être conditionnées et expédiées.
Conditionnement final et consolidation
Une fois que les marchandises ont été contrôlées et approuvées par SGS, la maquette de la classe intelligente a été démontée et le tout a été consolidé pour chaque Institut de formation technique (TTI) afin de procéder au conditionnement final, au marquage des caisses et à la préparation des documents d’expédition. Le volume final par TTI était d’exactement un conteneur de 12 mètres.
Le chargement des conteneurs de 3 x 12 m a eu lieu du 30/05 au 01/06, le chargement complet a été sécurisé au moyen de coussins gonflables et tous les conteneurs ont été scellés et verrouillés. Après avoir été mis en circulation par les autorités douanières, les conteneurs ont été transportés au terminal de Rotterdam.
Suite de la planification et de la mise en œuvre du projet
Les 10 conteneurs ont bien pris la mer le 04/06 et ils arriveront au port de Mombasa aux alentours du 17/07. Les formalités douanières et le transport vers les sites de destination devraient être terminés aux alentours de la mi-août 2016. Après quoi l’équipement sera installé et les premières sessions de formation auront lieu d’ici la fin du mois d’août au Collège de formation d’enseignants techniques kenyan (KTTC) de Nairobi. En parallèle, une autre équipe de Devotra entamera l’installation de l’équipement dans les 9 autres Instituts de formation technique (TTI). Les formateurs de Devotra resteront au Kenya jusqu’à la fin du mois de décembre 2016 afin de dispenser les formations et l’assistance en fonction des besoins. Un programme d’assistance de 12 mois supplémentaires sera ensuite mis en place pour assurer la pérennité du projet.
Les partenaires du projet
Devotra BV, conjointement avec le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, des sciences et des technologies (MoHEST) du Kenya, a réalisé une étude de faisabilité auprès de 36 instituts de formation technique (TTI) dans le cadre du programme néerlandais PESP qui a permis de développer le projet ORET de « Rénovation et modernisation du Collège de formation d’enseignants technique kenyan (KTTC) et de neuf Centres régionaux d’excellence ».
En juillet 2010, le projet d’une valeur total de 14,9 millions d’euros, a été déclaré effectif par le gouvernement néerlandais (Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération au développement) et le gouvernement kenyan. Les gouvernements néerlandais et kenyan ont signé une convention de subvention pour la mise en place et le financement du projet. Le gouvernement néerlandais versera une contribution de 7,2 millions d’euros (soit 48 % de la valeur totale du projet) dans le cadre de la subvention néerlandaise ORET. Le financement restant du projet sera apporté par le gouvernement kenyan par le biais d’un prêt accordé par une banque commerciale et assuré par Atradius (une l’assurance-crédit à l’exportation néerlandaise).
En novembre 2012, l’UNICEF a publié une demande de déclaration d’intérêt pour ce projet consistant à « conditionner et livrer des kits scientifiques aux écoles secondaires, concevoir, créer et dispenser un programme de formations de base aux enseignants sur l’utilisation des kits, ainsi que concevoir et entretenir un programme de réapprovisionnement en consommables du kit au Zimbabwe ». Lors de la soumission de la déclaration d’intérêt, Devotra fut invitée à soumettre une proposition technique et financière complète avant la fin du mois de mars
2013, conformément à la Demande de proposition publiée par l’UNICEF en février 2013.
Lors de la préparation de notre proposition technique clé-en-main, une attention particulière a été portée à tous les détails, comme par exemple les objectifs et résultats du projet, la capacité technique et financière, le développement des ressources humaines, la planification générale du projet, le conditionnement, le stockage et la logistique. En assemblant l’échantillon du kit scientifique pour l’UNICEF, Devotra a passé en revue plusieurs produits de différents fabricants à travers le monde. Devotra a sélectionné les fabricants d’équipement principaux pour le projet en fonction des résultats d’un contrôle interne de la qualité, d’un critère de rapport qualité-prix mais aussi de la capacité des fabricants à fournir les marchandises dans le délai imposé par le projet.
2019 | Dominican Republic | UNDP | Supply and delivery of HPMP material |
2019 | Gabon | Ministère de l’emploi, de la fonction publique du travail et de la formation professionnelle, charge du dialogue social | Supply and delivery of toolkits for 6 disciplines: tailoring, automotive, welding, sheet metal, refrigeration, electricity |
2019 | Afghanistan | UNAMA | Supply and delivery of protective clothing |
2019 | Libya | University of Benghazi | Equipment for the Mechanical Engineering Department, through UNESCO |
2019 | South Sudan | UNMISS | Supply and delivery of workshop tools |
2019 | Kenya | UNOPS | Supply, installation, commissioning and users training of Building and Construction Equipment for MITC – NITA Mombasa |
2019 | Italy (worldwide) | UNLB | Long Term Contract for the Provision of Tool Kits for SDS at the United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC) |
2018 | UNDP | UNDP | Supply and delivery of hand tools (HVAC) |
2018 | UNOPS | UNOPS | Supply, installation, commissioning and users training of Automotive Special Tools for MITC – NITA Mombasa |
2018 | Ghana | Rural Enterprises Programme (REP) | Supply and installation of Metal Machining Workshop Equipment and Accessories – related to 28 sites in Ghana |
2018 | Kenya | Kenya Education for Employment Program (KEFEP) Colleges and Institutes Canada | Supply Chain Management and Procurement Services for the Kenya Education For Employment Program (KEFEP) – related to the 10 National Polytechnics in Kenya |
2018 | Papua New Guinea | Department of National Planning and Monitoring | Supply of Tools and Equipment for 4 TVET Training centers for Carpentry and Joinery. |
2018 | Senegal | Project SEN/801; Supporting integration and vocational training | Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training of wood working workshop equipment. |
2018 | Kenya | Ministry of Education – State Department of Vocational & Technical Training | Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Training on use and maintenance of Building and Civil Engineering Training Equipment for Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Training Institute |
2018 | Kenya | Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd | Consultancy Services for Morendat Institute for Oil and Gas (MIOG) |
2017 | Cote d’Ivoire | UNIDO | Supply and delivery of Mechanical Engineering Equipment for 10 Vocational Training Centers colleges in Cote d’Ivoire. |
2017 | Kenya | Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd | Supply of Smart Classrooms for the Morendat Institute of Oil and Gas (MIOG ) |
2017 | Cote d’Ivoire | UNIDO | Supply and delivery of Electricity Equipment for 10 Vocational Training Centers colleges in Cote d’Ivoire. |
2017 | Worldwide | UNAMID, MONUSCO, UNMISS, UNIFIL | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/CO/191/16. Supply of a wide range of automotive equipment and hand tools. |
2017 | Uganda | BTC | Supply and delivery of Electrical Equipment for TVET colleges in Uganda. |
2017 | Worldwide | MINUSCA, UNOPS, UNIDO, UNcIFIL, UNFICYP, UNDP, UNDOF, UNAMA | Supply of various equipment, tools and technical supplies, kitchen & catering equipment, cleaning materials, hand tools, safety equipment, warehousing materials, gym equipment. |
2017 | Uganda | BTC | Supply and delivery of Tools and Equipment (workshop machines, plumbing and building & construction) for TVET colleges in Uganda. |
2017 | Uganda | BTC | Supply and delivery of Tools and Equipment (Electrical) for TVET colleges in Uganda. |
2016 | Worldwide | UNDP | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/CO/191/16 for 3 years open to all UN entities; agencies, peace keeping missions, special political missions, offices away from head quarters. |
2016 | Dem. Republic Congo | MONUSCO | Provision of Gym Equipment for the MONUSCO Gymnasium Goma, DRC. |
2016 | Kenya | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Workshop Equipment for Thika Technical Training Institute. |
2016 | Haiti | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for 3 vocational training centers, covering; Building, Construction, Woodworking, Textile & Garment making. |
2016 | Haiti | APEFE | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for automotive workshop. |
2016 | Kenya | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | Phase 2 ; Supply of ICT Smart Classrooms for the 10 Technical Training Institutes that have been supplied with conventional workshop equipment in phase 1. |
2016 | Ethiopia Tigray | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for various vocational training centers for the Automotive workshops. |
2016 | Rwanda | Workforce Development Authority (WDA) | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for various vocational training centers, covering; Welding, Textile & Garment and Carpentry & Joinery. The contract also includes the training of technical teachers for the mentioned specialized areas. |
2015 | Kenya | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. | Support program under ORET project Phase-1, 12 months technical assistance program for teacher training, staff development and curriculum development. |
2015 | Ethiopia Addis Ababa | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for various vocational training centers, covering; Metalworking & Automotive. |
2015 | Kenya | Lundin Foundation | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for Lodwar Youth Polytechnics, covering; Plumbing & Pipefitting and Electrical Installation |
2015 | Worldwide | UNAMI, UNSOA, UNAMID, MINUSTAH, MONUSCO, UNMISS, UNIFIL, MINURCAT, MINUSMA, UNFYCIP, UNDOF, UNMOGYP | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/CO/118/11. Supply of a wide range of different technical supplies, kitchen & catering equipment, cleaning materials, hand tools, safety equipment, warehousing materials. |
2015 | Ethiopia Morocco Congo Eritrea Cameroun | UNIDO | Supply of specialized equipment, test instruments, tools and machinery for; E waste recycling, skills for employment projects, training of heavy equipment operators, measuring & test equipment for research and design. |
2015 | Haiti -2 | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for 5 vocational training centers, covering; Building & Construction |
2015 | Haiti -1 | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery and Tools for 2 vocational training centers, covering; Building, Construction, Woodworking, Textile & Garment making |
2015 | Ghana | GIZ office in Accra | Training equipment and materials for private sector development project covering, electronics, automotive, garment & textile, beauty & care, hairdressing |
2014 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Tools, Equipment and machines for various specialized areas. |
2014 | Rwanda | Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) | Supply, installation and commissioning of specialized equipment for Water Testing Laboratory and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory |
2014 | Algeria | ENEFP, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training | Supply, installation and commissioning of specialized workshop equipment and tools for 15 Carpentry Workshops nationwide |
2013 | Zimbabwe | UNICEF | Set-pack and Supply of 2449 Science Kits for Secondary Schools and Training of 5100 Science Teachers |
2013 | Ghana | Ministry of Industry | Supply, installation and commissioning of 3 specialised workshops for agro mechanisation |
2013 | Sierra Leone Liberia Guinee | UNIDO | Supply of specialised measuring and test instruments for Technical Universities |
2012 2013 | Worldwide | UNIFIL, UNMIS, BINUCA, MINURSO, UNMIL, MINUSTAH, UNSOA, ONUCI, , MINURCAT, UNMISS, UNAMID, UNMIT, MINUSMA | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/CO/118/11 |
2012 2013 | Worldwide | UNIFIL,BINUCA, MINURSO, UNMIL, MINUSTAH, UNSOA, ONUCI, UNMIS, MINURCAT, UNMISS, UNAMID, UNMIT | Supply of Tools and Minor Construction Equipment under System Contract PD/C0088/09. |
2012 | Mozambique | Ministry of Education (DIPLAC) | Supply of Laboratory and Workshop Equipment and Related Services to Salamanga and Machaze Professional Schools |
2012 | Liberia | UNIDO | Supply, installation, commissioning and training of rubber testing equipment and instruments |
2012 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery, Tools and Spare Parts for; machining, sheet metal, welding, electrical and electronics |
2011 | Rwanda | Workforce Development Authority | Supply of Electrical equipment for ETO Kibungo (in process) |
2011 | Rwanda | Workforce Development Authority | Supply of Plumbing and Welding Equipment for Nyanza VTC and Kavumu Technical Training Schools (in process) |
2011 | Worldwide | UNMIS, UNAMA, UNDOF, MINUSTAH, MONUSCO, UNSOA | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/C0225/03. |
2011 | Worldwide | UNIFIL, UNMIS, BINUCA, MINURSO, UNMIL, MINUSTAH, BINUCA, UNSOA, ONUCI | Supply of Tools and Minor Construction Equipment under System Contract PD/C0088/09. |
2011 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Amhara National Regional State | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery, Tools and Spare Parts for various specialized areas. |
2011 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Public Procurement & Property Disposal Service | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Educational Training Equipment, Machinery, Tools and Spare Parts for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, |
2011 | Iraq | UNIDO | Supply of Refrigerant Identifiers |
2011 | Iraq | UNIDO | Supply of Vocational Training Equipment and beneficiary toolkits for Skills Development Project |
2010 | Yemen | Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation | Equipment for mobile soil testing and irrigation structure laboratory |
2010 | Iraq | UNIDO | Supply of metal working machinery and equipment for Industrial Skills Development |
2010 | Lebanon | UNIDO | Supply of wood working machinery for Skills Development Centre |
2010 | Nigeria | UNDP | Supply of welding equipment and accessories for Vocational Training Centre in Lagos |
2010 | Sudan | UNIDO | Supply of electronic training equipment for Khartoum Vocational Training Centre |
2010 | Kenya | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. Partly funded Dutch Oret Grant Project. | Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Kenya Technical Teacher College and Nine Centers of Excellence. Supply, installation, commissioning and training of vocational training equipment for 8 courses, including a 24 months technical assistance program for teacher training, staff development and curriculum development. More details: www.kenya-project.nl. |
2010 | Haiti | UNDP | Emergency goods, such as basic tools, shovels, hydraulic equipment, etcetera. |
2010 | Worldwide | UNIFIL, UNMONUC, UNMIL, UNAMA | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/C0225/03. |
2010 | Worldwide | UNMINURSO, UNSOA | Supply of Tools and Minor Construction Equipment under System Contract PD/C0088/09. |
2010 | Worldwide | United Nations Procurement Division, UNHQ, NY, USA | Supply of Carpenter, HVAC, Plumber, Electrician, Generator and General Purpose toolkits. |
2009 | Worldwide | UNPD, Head Quarter, New York | Web shop; ordering system accessible for all requisitioners from field missions. |
2009 | Worldwide | UNIFIL, UNMINURSO, UNMIS, UNPD, UNAMID | Supply of Generator Technician, Refrigerator Technician and Carpenter’s Toolkits under System Contract PD/C0172/06. |
2009 | Worldwide | UNOCI, UNAMA, UNMINURSO, UNIFIL, UNOMIG, UNMONUC, UNMIL, UNDOF | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/C0225/03. |
2009 | Yemen | Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation Sana’a, Yemen | Equipment for Mobile Soil Testing and Central Soil Testing Laboratory. |
2009 | Worldwide | UNIFIL, UNMIS, UNAMA, UNFICYP, UNMONUC, UNMIK, UNMINURCAT, UNPD, UNMINURSO | Supply of Tools and Minor Construction Equipment under System Contract PD/C0088/09. |
2009 | Sudan | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Ministry of Industries: Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Equipment for Building & Construction, Welding, Sheet metal and Metalwork for 5 vocational training centers. |
2008 | Zambia | Bakkavor Overseas Ltd. Lincolnshire, UK | Europe Aid Project. Zambia Bureau of Standards. Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Laboratory Equipment. |
2008 | Ghana | Ministry of Education, Science & Sports | Supply of Spare Parts for VOTEC Resource Centres. |
2008 | Worldwide | UNLB, UNOCI, UNMINURSO, UNMINUSTAH, UNBINUB, UNMONUC, UNIFIL, UNAMID, UNMINURCAT, UNDOF | Supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment under System Contract PD/C0225/03. |
2008 | Libya | Findel Education, Leicester, UK | General Peoples Committee of Manpower, Training and Employment: Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Refrigeration Training Equipment to 52 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Eduteq/UK). |
2008 | Worldwide | UNLB, UNMONUC, UNOCI, MINUSTAH, UNMINURCAT, UNIFIL, UNAMID, UNMIS, UNOMIG, UNMIL | Supply of Generator Technician, Refrigerator Technician and Carpenter’s Toolkits under System Contract PD/C0172/06. |
2008 | Libya | Findel Education, Leicester, UK | Ministry of Education: Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Training of Science Kits for 365 schools (joint project with Eduteq/UK). |
2007 | Ghana | Innovam (Automotive Knowledge & Education Institute The Netherlands) | Capacity Building of Staff at Koforidua Polytecnic Automobile Engineering Department to Improve Automobile Engineering Education in Ghana. |
2007 | Nigeria, Liberia, Guinea Bissau | United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office Equipment & Machines. |
2007 | Ghana, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Cape Verde, | United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office Equipment & Machines. |
2007 | Sudan | United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Supply of Electrical Equipment for Vocational Training. |
2006 | Libya | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | General Peoples Committee of Manpower, Training & Employment: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Automotive Training Equipment to 20 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2006 | Romania | Findel Education, Leicester, UK | EuropeAid project: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Automotive Training Equipment to 14 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2006 | Libya | General Peoples Committee of Manpower, Training & Employment | Supply of Automotive Training Equipment to 40 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2005 | Romania | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | EuropeAid project: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Veterinary Training Equipment to 12 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2005 | Turkey | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | EuropeAid project: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Automotive & Aircraft Training Equipment to 19 Vocational Training Centers (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2005 | Worldwide | United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD) New York, USA | 3-years systems contract for the supply of 3 types of toolkits to all UN Peace Keeping Operations. |
2005 | Romania | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | EuropeAid project: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Carpentry Training Equipment to 14 prisons (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2004 | Uzbekistan | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Refrigeration, Water and Gas Training Equipment and Veterinary Equipment for 10 Vocational training Centers of Ministry of Education, ADB funded (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2004 | Qatar | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Millwright Engineering Equipment for the College of the North Atlantic, Government Funded (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2004 | Qatar | Findel Education, Leicester, UK | Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Metalworking and Welding Equipment for the College of the North Atlantic, Government Funded (joint project with Development Project Solutions/UK). |
2004 | Worldwide | United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD) New York, USA | 3-years systems contract for the supply of 2 types Containerized Workshops, on basis of standard 20ft ISO containers, to all UN Peace Keeping Operations. |
2004 | Worldwide | United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD) New York, USA | 5-years systems contract for the supply of Automotive Workshop Equipment to all UN Peace Keeping Operations. |
2003 | Congo | United Nations Organization Mission in Gombe, Democratic Republic Of Congo | Steel Shelves for MONUC warehouses. |
2003 | Zambia | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Various woodworking machinery and office equipment for Technical Education Project of Ministry of Education. |
2003 | Congo | United Nations Organization Mission in Gombe, Democratic Republic Of Congo | Various workshop equipment and hand tools, spare parts and consumables for MONUC workshops. |
2003 | Uganda | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Workshop Equipment for Agricultural Research Institute. |
2003 | Uzbekistan | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Woodworking and Metalworking Machinery and Tools for 35 Vocational training Centers of Ministry of Education, ADB funded. |
2003 | Iraq | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy | Various Forestry- and Agricultural implements for FAO project in North Iraq. |
2003 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDE) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Woodworking Machinery, Electrical- and Electronic Engineering Equipment for 3 Technical Universities. |
2003 | Burkina Faso | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, AUSTRIA | PC’s and Office Equipment. |
2003 | Ethiopia | Berta Construction PLC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Supply of a complete woodworking workshop. |
2003 | Congo | United Nations Organization Mission in Gombe, Democratic Republic Of Congo | Landing Lights. |
2003 | Congo | United Nations Organization Mission in Gombe, Democratic Republic Of Congo | Steel Shelves. |
2003 | Israel | United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the near East (UNRWA), Amman, Jordan | Drain cleaners. |
2003 | Georgia | United Nations Observer Mission in Tbilisi, Georgia | Satellite Modem and Transceiver. |
2003 | Iran | Azmayesh Industrial Factories Co., KM, Tehran, Iran | Spare parts for Nitro Generators. |
2003 | Pakistan | Heavy Mechanical Complex-3, Taxila, Disst. Rwalpindi, Pakistan | Siemens Spare Parts. |
2003 | Zambia | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Workshop Equipment. |
2001 | Iran | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Hermetic Compressor Test Rig for Phasing out ODS at Iran Compressor Manufacturing Company. |
2001 | Nigeria | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Laboratory- and material test equipment for Plastic Technology Development Centre in Port Harcourt. |
2001 | North Iraq | United Nations Development Programme, Inter Agency Procurement Services (UNDP/IAPSO), Copenhagen, Denmark | Special Fibre Glass Ladders and Tool Buckets for working on Electricity Transmission Lines of ENRP. |
2001 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDE) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Educational Training Equipment for Electrical- and Electronic Engineering for Mekelle University. |
2001 | North Iraq | United Nations Education, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Paris, France | Educational Training Equipment for various Universities in Northern Iraq. |
2001 | North Iraq | United Nations Development Programme, Inter Agency Procurement Services (UNDP/IAPSO), Copenhagen, DK | Special Tools and Workshop Equipment for working on Electricity Transmission Lines of ENRP. |
2001 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDE) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Vocational Training Equipment for various specialized areas and end-users. |
2001 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Material Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDE) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Building and Construction Equipment for Vocational Training Centers in various regions. |
2001 | Ethiopia | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Woodworking Machinery, Equipment and Tools for Vocational Training Centers in various Regions. |
2001 | Mauritania | United Nations Development Programme, Inter Agency Procurement Services (UNDP/IAPSO), Copenhagen, Denmark | Workshop Equipment and Tools for Automotive, Woodworking, Welding and Masonry Training purposes. |
2001 | Bosnia-Herzegovina | United Nations Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina (UNMIBH) Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina | Automotive Workshop Equipment, hand Tools, Woodworking Machinery, Electrical- and Electronic Parts, Consumables and Spare parts. |
2000 | Uganda | Ministry of Education and Sports Project Implementation Unit Kampala, Uganda | Electronic Test Equipment, Audio Visual Equipment, Hand Tools for various Universities. |
2000 | Bosnia-Herzegovina | United Nations Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina (UNMIBH) Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina | Automotive Workshop Equipment, Hand Tools, Woodworking Machinery, Electrical- and Electronic Parts, Consumables and Spare parts. |
2000 | Kosovo | United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Pristina, Kosovo | Automotive Workshop Equipment, Hand Tools, Woodworking Machinery, Electrical- and Electronic Parts, Consumables and Spare parts. |
2000 | Yemen | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Electrical Spare parts for rehabilitation of Water Pumping Stations. |
2000 | Trinidad, St. Kitts | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | CNC Machinery, Woodworking Machinery, Metal Working Machinery, Welding Equipment, Hand Tools and Measuring Equipment for various Technical Training Institutes. |
2000 | Iraq | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Spare parts and Equipment for rehabilitation of the Chlorine Plant at Basrah. |
2000 | Argentina, Indonesia, Lebanon, Jordan | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Complete Nitrogen Production Plant, Gas Detection Equipment and Air-conditioning Service equipment for conversion of production process of Refrigerator Factories under Montreal Protocol Fund. |
2000 | Mauritania | United Nations Development Programme, Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (UNDP/IAPSO), Copenhagen, Denmark | Electrical Equipment, Masonry Tools, Automotive Tools Woodworking Tools and Equipment for various Training Institutes. |
1999 | Iran | PARS Appliance Manufacturing Co. Tehran, Iran | Complete installation for the production of Nitrogen in Pars refrigerator factory. |
1999 | Zambia | Geest Overseas Ltd., Lincolnshire, UK | Workshop Equipment, Tools and Consumables for equipping a complete maintenance workshop for Lusaka Water and Sewerage Co. |
1999 | Iraq | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Spare parts and equipment for rehabilitation of the Chlorine Plant at Basrah. |
1999 | West bank, Palestine | United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA), Amman, Jordan | Automotive-, Woodworking-, Metalworking-, Electrical Equipment for various UN Training Centers. |
1999 | India | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Gear Testing Machine, Measuring and Test Equipment, Image Analyses System for Batala Research Institute and Institute for Autoparts Technology Ludhiana. |
1999 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Educational Training Equipment for Electrical- and Electronic Engineering for Mekelle University. |
1999 | Peru | United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Copenhagen, Denmark | Electrical-, Electronics, Welding Equipment, Tools and Training Materials for National Prison Vocational Training Centers. |
1999 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Educational Training Equipment for Civil-, Electrical and Electronic Engineering for Abra Minch Water Technology Institute. |
1999 | Nigeria | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Material Test- and Laboratory Equipment for Agricultural Research Centers. |
1999 | Italy | Perros, Italy | Complete Nitrogen Generator for conversion of production process of Refrigerator Factories. |
1999 | Iraq | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Spare parts and equipment for rehabilitation of the Chlorine Plant at Basrah. |
1999 | Cameroon, Nigeria | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Complete Nitrogen Generator for conversion of production process of Refrigerator Factories under Montreal Protocol Fund. |
1998 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Education, Education Materials Production Distribution Enterprise (EMPDA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Educational Training Equipment for Civil-, Chemical-, Electrical and Electronic Engineering for 4 different Universities. |
1998 | SriLanka | United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), New York, USA | Workshop Equipment, Tools and Training Equipment for Electrical, Automotive, Woodworking and Surveying for Vocational Training Centers. |
1998 | Nigeria | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Automotive-, Metalworking-, General Workshop- and Laboratory Equipment for 4 Agricultural Research Centers. |
1998 | Iran, Algeria, Iraq, China, | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Spare parts, Gas leak Detection Equipment, Vacuum Pumps, for various projects financed under the Montreal Protocol Fund. |
1998 | Angola | International Labor Organization EQUIPRO Geneva, Switzerland | Woodworking- Metalworking-, Automotive-, Electrical- Toolkits for demobilization of soldiers. |
1998 | Uganda | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Water meter Test and Calibration Bench, KWH Test and Calibration Bench, Electrical Test and Measurement Equipment for Uganda National Bureau of Standardization. |
1998 | Ethiopia | Ministry of Defense, Procurement Unit Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Automotive-, Electrical- and Electronic Equipment and Tools for various Training Workshops. |
1997 | Westbank, Palestine, Lebanon | United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) Amman, Jordan | Automotive-, Woodworking-, Metal Working-, Electrical Equipment for various UN Training Centers. |
1997 | Palestine | International Labor Organization Training Centre Turin, Italy | Educational Training Equipment, Audio Visual Equipment for 3 different Universities. |
1997 | Eritrea | Euroconsult Arnhem, The Netherlands | Complete GIS systems for land development project. |
1997 | Libya | International Labor Organization EQUIPRO Geneva, Switzerland | Woodworking Machinery and Tools for Vocational Training Centre. |
1997 | Iraq | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Spare parts and Equipment for the rehabilitation of the Chlorine Plant at Basrah. |
1997 | Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Libya | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Complete Nitrogen Production Plant and Gas Detection Equipment conversion of production process of Refrigerator Factories under Montreal Protocol Fund. |
1996 | Ethiopia | Central Procurement Cell Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Building Machinery and Tools, Drawing Equipment, Plumbing Machinery and Tools, Carpentry Tools, Automotive Equipment and Tools for 25 different Vocational Training Centers in the Amhara, Tigrai, Oromia and Southern Regions. |
1996 | Pakistan | International Labor Organization Training Centre Turin, Italy | National Training Bureau Pakistan, Metal Working Machinery and Tools for 4 Vocational Training Centers. |
1996 | Pakistan | International Labor Organization Training Centre Turin, Italy | National Vocational Training Project Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Training/Equipment and Tools for 9 Vocational Training Centers. |
1996 | Yemen | Abu Hamdi Trading Company Sanaá, Yemen | Automotive Workshop Equipment and Tools for various Training Workshops of the Ministry of Defense. |
1996 | Westbank, Palestine, Lebanon | United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) Amman, Jordan | Automotive-, Woodworking-, Metalworking-, Electrical Equipment and Personal Safety Goods for various UN Training Centers. |
1996 | Nigeria, India, Morocco, Malawi | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Measuring and Test Equipment, Workshop Equipment, Audio Visual Equipment for various projects. |
1995 | Westbank, Palestine, Lebanon | United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) Amman, Jordan | Automotive-, Woodworking-, Metalworking-, Electrical Equipment and Personal Safety Goods for various UN Training Centers. |
1995 | North Korea | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Raw Materials for production of Transformers, Packing Machine for granulate materials. |
1995 | Morocco | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Audio Visual and Conference Equipment for Ministry of Industries. |
1995 | Kenya | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Vienna, Austria | Automotive- and General Workshop Equipment for Ziwani Moto Mechanics. |