Bid opening KEFEP Project in Nairobi

Bid opening KEFEP Project in Nairobi

On 4thMarch 2019 the official Bid Opening of the KEFEP Project in Kenya took place in the Bidwood Hotel in Nairobi. The bid opening committee consisted of delegates of MOE, CICan and consultants of Devotra and all made sure that everything went smoothly during this...
Pre-inspection visit MOE/TVET Project Kenya

Pre-inspection visit MOE/TVET Project Kenya

Beginning of February 2019 representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Kenya came to the Netherlands for a week to carry out the pre-inspection of the goods for the MOE/TVET project in Kenya in the warehouse at Devotra. The equipment was found in...
Rural Enterprises Program (REP) in Ghana

Rural Enterprises Program (REP) in Ghana

REP is a program under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Their goal is to improve the livelihoods and incomes of rural poor micro and small entrepreneurs (MSEs). The development objective is to increase the number of rural MSEs that generate profit, growth and...
Innovation Africa summit, Harare, Zimbabwe

Innovation Africa summit, Harare, Zimbabwe

On 28-30 November 2018 the Innovation Africa Summit was held in Harare, Zimbabwe. Devotra was one of the Silver Sponsor Partners, since we believe it is important to stimulate innovation and ICT in education in general and specifically in Africa. Devotra introduced...